Calculating Return on Investment
Successful investors, whether in the stock market or within the sports betting market, delineate their investment objectives and establish the amount of money they want to set aside to achieve their goals. In sports betting parlance, the amount of money set aside to invest is called the investor’s bankroll. A common benchmark used to determine the success and/or failure of an investment is one’s Return on Investment (“ROI”). ROI is calculated by taking the net winnings (or losses) and dividing by the amount of money initially set aside (i.e. one’s bankroll).
Return on Investment Calculation
Let’s assume that a sports bettor begins with an initial bankroll of $5,000. Let’s also assume that over the course of one year the bettor’s bankroll grows to $7,000. Based on this example, the sports bettor achieved an ROI of 40%, which is well above the stock market average of 10% over the last 75 years. Since 2008, Oskeim Sports has generated an average ROI exceeding 45% on behalf of its private clients.
Overall Net Profit L/6Years: +476.3 stars
+49.6% Annual ROI
*Quarterly figures are cumulative